994 Halsey St

Brooklyn, NY

Mon-Sat 8:00am-12:00am

Sunday 9:00am-5:00pm

NYC 24HR Emergency Boiler Services

Commercial or Residential

Boiler Repair & Replacement In NYC


Boiler Repair


Boiler Maintenance


Thermostat Installation

Why Do I Need Heating System Repair?

Occasionally, your furnace is going to require repairs to fix damages and keep it running well. Some of the more common reasons that a heating system needs to be repaired include faulty electrical connections, problems with the gas supply leading to the furnace, worn down parts, broken fans and motors or a faulty pilot light. If you notice loud banging, irregular heat distribution, higher bills or a shutdown of the system, call for repairs immediately.

Getting Your System Tuned Up

You can often avoid having your system repaired by having routine maintenance performed each year. Having maintenance is like getting your heating system tuned up so it is clean and ready to go when you need it. If you neglect having maintenance like so many other homeowners, you could risk costly repairs and higher energy bills from an inefficient system. Scheduling maintenance shortly before your system will be working its hardest in the winter months is the key to keeping it running efficiently.

Professional Heating System Installation

Repairs and maintenance mean nothing if the heating system wasn’t installed correctly, so take the time to find a reputable, professional heating expert before you do anything else. It’s easy to want to chase the lowest prices or find a friend to install it for you, but these strategies rarely work out. It is important to use an installer that knows the various manufacturers, is familiar with your local building codes and has the troubleshooting skills to make adjustments where necessary. If you get the heating system installed correctly, it will provide you with high quality service for years into the future.

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    Request a Call Back

    Having a functioning Boiler in your home is essential to your family’s health.  One of our technicians will make it right. Call Switch and Fix Plumbing & Heating at   (718) 841-9295. We Service Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island and the Bronx in the NYC area. 

    Want to Upgrade to a Tankless Water Heater? Contact Switch & Fix Today!